WebSocket is a new browser capability developed for HTML 5 which enables fully interactive applications. With WebSockets, both the browser and the server can send asynchronous messages over a single TCP socket, without resorting to long polling or comet.

Essentially, a WebSocket is a standard bidirectional TCP socket between the client and the server. The socket starts out as a regular HTTP connection and then "Upgrades" to a TCP socket after a HTTP handshake. Either side can send data after the handshake.

Origin Header

The Origin header in the HTTP Websocket handshake, is used to guarantee that the connection accepted by the Websocket is from a trusted origin domain. Failure to enforce can lead to Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF).

It is the server’s responsibility to verify the Origin header in the initial HTTP WebSocket handshake. If the server does not validate the origin header in the initial WebSocket handshake, the WebSocket server may accept connections from any origin.

The following example uses an Origin header check, which prevents attackers from performing CSWSH (Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking).

HTTP Header Leak

The application should validate the Host and the Origin to make sure the request's Origin is the trusted Host, rejecting the connection otherwise.

A simple check is demonstrated in the following snippet:

//Compare our origin with Host and act accordingly
if r.Header.Get("Origin") != "http://"+r.Host {
  http.Error(w, "Origin not allowed", 403)
} else {
    websocket.Handler(EchoHandler).ServeHTTP(w, r)

Confidentiality and Integrity

The Websocket communication channel can be established over unencrypted TCP or over encrypted TLS.

When unencrypted Websockets are used, the URI scheme is ws:// and its default port is 80. If using TLS Websockets, the URI scheme is wss:// and the default port is 443.

When referring to Websockets, we must consider the original connection and whether it uses TLS or if it is being sent unencrypted.

In this section we will show the information being sent when the connection upgrades from HTTP to Websocket and the risks it poses if not handled correctly. In the first example, we see a regular HTTP connection being upgraded to a Websocket connection:

HTTP Cookie Leak

Notice that the header contains our cookie for the session. To ensure no sensitive information is leaked, TLS should be used when upgrading our connection. As the following image shows:


In the latter example, our connection upgrade request is using SSL, as well as our Websocket:

Websocket SSL

Authentication and Authorization

Websockets do not handle Authentication or Authorization, which means that mechanisms such as cookies, HTTP authentication or TLS authentication must be used to ensure security. More detailed information regarding this can be found in the Authentication and the Access Control parts of this document.

Input Sanitization

As with any data originating from untrusted sources, the data should be properly sanitized and encoded. For a more detailed coverage of these topics see the Sanitization and the Output Encoding parts of this document.

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