
JavaScript specification makes a clear differentiation between three Number related terms/concepts:

  • Number value - the number representation "corresponding to a double-precision 64-bit binary format IEEE 754-2008 value"
  • Number type - "set of all possible Number values including the special Not-a-Number (NaN) value, positive infinity and negative infinity"
  • Number object - "member of the Object type that is an instance of the standard built-in Number constructor"

We will use Number interchangeably to refer either the representation, value or the Number constructor.

An introductory note regarding JavaScript internals related to Numbers:

  • All numbers are internally handled and stored as double-precision 64-bit binary format, following the IEEE 754-2008 specification (yes, in JavaScript every number is a floating number)
  • NaN, +Infinity (the same than Infinity) and -Infinity are all Numbers
    typeof NaN;               // 'number'
    typeof +Infinity;         // 'number'
    +Infinity === Infinity;   // true
    typeof -Infinity;         // 'number'
  • JavaScript has both +0 (or 0) and -0: but they are the same
    0 === -0  // true

From String to Number

Although the user input that reaches the server over HTTP is handled as String, internally, applications may expect numeric values (e.g. user's age).

Looking at Number constructor properties, we find the Number.parseInt and Number.parseFloat 1 methods - both expect a String argument, returning respectively an integer and float numbers.

Number.parseInt also accepts a radix, which when not specified or undefined, defaults to 10 (decimal base), except for when the String argument begins with 0x or 0X in, which case a radix of 16 (hexadecimal base) is assumed.

How the expected String argument is parsed is fully detailed in the specification. However, issues may arise. Here’s how it works:

Requesting the User's Age

We're expecting an integer. But over HTTP, the value will arrive as a String. Let us parse it.

const userInputAge = '32';
const userAge = Number.parseInt(userInputAge);

console.log('User is %d years old', userAge);
// User is 32 years old

No problem - but what if user's input looks like '32 years old'?

const userInputAge = '32 years old';
const userAge = Number.parseInt(userInputAge);

console.log('User is %d years old', userAge);
// User is 32 years old

Despite the fact that the input String is alphanumeric, Number.parseInt returns its 'integer part' (as leading white spaces are removed). However, if the first character after removing any leading white spaces is other than - (HYPHEN-MINUS), + (PLUS SIGN) or a digit, we will get NaN - Not-a-Number.

const userInputAge = 'thirty 2';
const userAge = Number.parseInt(userInputAge);

console.log('User is %d years old', userAge);
// User is NaN years old

There were no parsing errors, but we know that we are not ready to go with user's age. Testing whether the Number.parseInt(userInputAge) result is a Number won't suffice as NaN is itself a Number.

const userInputAge = 'thrity 2';
const userAge = Number.parseInt(userInputAge);

if (typeof userAge !== 'number') {
  throw new Error('invalid age');

console.log('User is %d years old', userAge);
// User is NaN years old

Let's enforce that the parsed user's age is in fact an integer bigger than zero

const userIntputAge = 'thirty 2';
const userAge = Number.parseInt(userInputAge);

if (!Number.isInteger(userAge) || userAge <= 0) {
  throw new Error('invalid age');

console.log('User is %d years old');

Note: Number.isInteger returns false for Infinity/-Infinity. The user's age upper limit was omitted for code sample briefness.

Now that we've received a validation error, it may look safe but... What if user provides his age using hexadecimal base (well, at least he will look younger)?

const userInputAge = '0x20';
const userAge = Number.parseInt(userInputAge);

if (!Number.isInteger(userAge) || userAge <= 0) {
  throw new Error('invalid age');

console.log('You are %d years old', userAge);
// User is 32 years old

Surprisingly or not, 0x20 did validate as integer. Why? In fact, Number.parseInt('0x20'); returns the integer number 32: although the '0x20' string is parsed as hexadecimal due to the '0x' prefix (0X is also valid). Internally, all numbers are stored as decimals.

As we said before, Number.parseInt accepts a radix as second argument. So, to enforce userInputAge to be given as a decimal number, we just have to provide a radix equal to 10

const userInputAge = '0x20';
const userAge = Number.parseInt(userInputAge, 10);

if (!Number.isInteger(userAge) || userAge <= 0) {
  throw new Error('invalid age');

console.log('You are %d years old', userAge);

And as expected, we have the validation error.

Even at this point, we can't be sure that what was entered was a decimal integer number, providing 32,5 will end up being parsed as 32

const userInputAge = '32,5';
const userAge = Number.parseInt(userInputAge, 10);

if (!Number.isInteger(userAge) || userAge <= 0) {
  throw new Error('invalid age');

console.log('You are %d years old', userAge);
// You are 32 years old

Requesting Weight

Weight is a good example of a float number, so let's ask users to input theirs.

const userInputWeight = '80.5';
const userWeight = Number.parseFloat(userInputWeight);

console.log('User\'s weight is %d Kg', userWeight);
// User's weight is 80.5 Kg

Depending on user's location2, one should use , (comma) as a decimal separator. What difference does it make?

const userInputWeight = '80,5';
const userWeight = Number.parseFloat(userInputWeight);

console.log('User\'s weight is %d Kg', userWeight);
// User's weight is 80 Kg

Exactly 0.5 Kg (Number.parseFloat returns 80): per the specification, Number.parseFloat uses . (dot) as decimal separator.

Type Coercion

Quite often, String to Number conversion is done using the Unary + Operator, forcing type coercion

+'';    // 0
+'0';   // 0
+'-0';  // -0
+'NaN'; // NaN
+' 1';  // 1
+'-1';  // -1
+'0.1'; // 0.1

However this may not lead to the expected results

  • type coercion and Number.parseFloat inconsistency

    const userInput = '80,5';
    parseFloat(userInput);  // 80
    +userInput;             // NaN
  • octal representation

    const octal = 012;
    const octalString = '012';
    +octal;         // 10
    +octalString;   // 12

    To get the expected result, octalString should be equal to 0o12

    const octalString = '0o12';
    +octalString;                 // 10

Safe Integer

ECMAScript 2015 (6th Edition) introduces the concept of "Safe Integer" - an integer that "can be exactly represented as an IEEE-754 double precision number and whose IEEE-754 representation cannot be the result of rounding any other integer to fit the IEEE-754 representation" (source).

Why is this important? Let's have a look at some simple integer arithmetic

const N = 9007199254740992;

N + 1;  // 9007199254740992
N + 2;  // 9007199254740994

Is it 9007199254740992 safe?

Number.isSafeInteger(9007199254740992); // false

Again, why is this so important?

const MIN = 9007199254740992;
const MAX = 9007199254740994;

for (let i = MIN; i < MAX; i++) {

Yes, this is an infinite loop. MIN is not a "Safe Integer". In fact, the last "Safe Integer" is exactly MIN - 1 which you can get from Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER (2⁵³-1), although there's no representation for MIN and we're doing an integer operation, JavaScript won't show any error.

You may expect that Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is the highest number that JavaScript can handle, but no, Number.MAX_VALUE is the highest one:

Number.MAX_VALUE > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; // true
Number.MAX_VALUE;                           // 1.7976931348623157e+308

Division by Zero

Don't worry, you'll never get close to a "division by zero" error. Instead you will get... infinity as per the IEEE 754-2008 standard

1/0;  // Infinity
-1/0; // -Infinity


This is not a JavaScript-only problem. In fact, this is an issue you will find in most programming languages as it is a limitation of the already mentioned IEEE 754 specification. It is better to be aware of this as rounding errors may lead to rockets missing theirs targets3

0.1+0.2;    // 0.30000000000000004


To boolean

JavaScript has a native Boolean type, consisting of primitive true and false values. Nevertheless, some Numbers evaluate to false and others to true

-1? true : false;           // true
1? true : false;            // true
Infinity? true : false;     // true
-Infinity? true : false;    // true
0? true : false;            // false
-0? true : false;           // false
NaN? true : false;          // false

The conversion can be done using double logical - NOT operator !

const number = -1;

if (!!number === true) {
} else {

To String

Type coercion is commonly used to convert a number into string and it does the trick when you're using a decimal base

''+1;             // '1'
''+0.1;           // '0.1'
''+Math.pow(4,3); // '64'

But if you're using a non-decimal base like Octal or Hexadecimal, the result may not be what you're expecting as you will get a string representation of number's decimal representation;

''+012;   // '10'
''+0xA;   // '10'

To avoid mistakes, use always the same pattern when getting a textual representation of a Number - use the Number.toString() method, specifying the radix (if not present or undefined, the Number 10 is used by default)

const n1 = 10;
const n2 = 012;
const n3 = 0xA;

n1.toString();          // '10'
n1.toString(10);        // '10'
n1.toString(undefined); // '10';
n2.toString(8);         // '12';
n3.toString(16);        // 'a';

This is also the close you have to a decimal bases conversion, as you can get an octal representation from a decimal integer or from an hexadecimal value;

const decimalInt = 10;
const hexValue = 0xA;

console.log(decimalInt.toString(8));    // '12';
console.log(hexValue.toString(8));      // '12';


As we said before, over HTTP, what you get on server-side is always a String. Because of that, before converting String to Number

  1. always validate the input against a "white" list of allowed characters (e.g. for decimal integers ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$
  2. Then, validate for expected data types (e.g. parsing String to Number)
  3. Finally, validate data range

You can read more about How numbers are encoded in JavaScript by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer at

1. The implementation is shared with globals parseInt() and parseFloat() functions: parseInt === Number.parseInt && parseFloat === Number.parseFloat // true)
2. "In computing, a locale is a set of parameters that defines the user's language, region and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface." (source)

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